Lifting and Workplace Equipment Testing Services (LOLER & PUWER) with a LEEA Qualified Team
Cyclone Crane Services is an experienced lifting inspection company. We provide an extensive portfolio of examination, testing and certifications for above and below the hook solutions and equipment in the UK for PUWER and LOLER compliance.
With over 30 years’ experience, our LEEA qualified team deliver an efficient service that helps ensure your equipment is both compliant and safe to use. Whether you need a lifting equipment inspection or workplace equipment testing, our expert team can undertake these for you and offer any advice or guidance you might need in order to ensure your compliance.
We provide LOLER and PUWER testing and examinations for: Cranes, handling equipment, lifting appliances, lifting equipment, lifting straps, racking, trolleys, hoists, lifting accessories, access equipment, fork lift equipment – ultimately almost anything that requires LOLER and PUWER compliance.
Read more about LOLER testing >
Lifting equipment testing is a HSE requirement. You should have a LOLER lifting equipment inspection at least once every 12 months, and every 6 months for any equipment used to lift people, plus for certain lifting accessories.
Other non-lifting workplace equipment should have a PUWER inspection at least once every 12 months, depending on the nature of its use and risk.
Inspection by an independent, qualified professional
Compliance with HSE regulations
Reduces safety risk to your team
Ensures good
Can save money by identifying maintenance issues early
Protects your business in the case of an accident
The abbreviation LOLER stands for Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations.
As an employer, it places duties and responsibility on you and your staff who operate, own or have control over lifting equipment.
To comply with LOLER, your business must undertake a lifting equipment inspection and get certifications to confirm your equipment is maintained correctly and meets the necessary safety requirements.
Please also see the PUWER information below as this often is also applicable in a lifting environment.
Your LOLER questions answered
Visit our LOLER page >
The abbreviation PUWER stands for Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. As an employer, it is you and your staff’s responsibility to ensure your workplace equipment, whether owned by you or not, is in good working order and is safe for use by your employees or contractors.
Being PUWER compliant ensures the correct maintenance and certification is applied to the working equipment.
If you are working with lifting equipment, it is likely that you will need both PUWER and LOLER compliance certifications.
Your PUWER questions answered
Visit our PUWER page >
Request a quote or contact us below for more information:
Cyclone Crane Services LTd, Unit 3 Whelford Lane Industrial Estate, Whelford Road, Fairford, Gloucestershire, GL7 4DT
VAT: GB 537 4737 20. Registered in England and Wales No. 02415901
© 2025 Cyclone Crane Services Limited.