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Getting ready for your LOLER inspection

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) examinations need to be undertaken regularly on all lifting equipment, as a Health and Safety Executive requirement to ensure your lifting equipment and operations are safe.

Learn more here >

There are a number of steps you can take both while preparing for your LOLER inspection and on the day of the examination itself, to ensure the process is a success and runs as smoothly as possible.

LOLER Examinations

LOLER Inspection

1. Select an independent, “competent person” to carry out the thorough examination

When choosing a LOLER inspector, ensure they are appropriately qualified and experienced in carrying out examinations. The regulations require a “competent person” to carry out a “thorough examination”. The Cyclone inspection team are LEEA (Lifting Equipment Engineers Association) qualified, with over 30 years’ experience, so you know you’re getting a competent, trustworthy inspection.

LOLER Inspection

2. Determine whether you actually need a PUWER examination

In most cases, lifting equipment is also classed as work equipment so also requires PUWER testing. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) apply to workplace equipment, and have different requirements to LOLER, which is specific just to lifting equipment. Cyclone can offer both LOLER and PUWER examinations, so ensure you check in advance which kind of testing you require.

LOLER Inspection

3. Give all staff notice of your LOLER inspection date

This might sound obvious, but the last thing you need is for staff to be caught off-guard if the inspector asks them a question, for key staff to be on annual leave when you require their support, or for the equipment to be in use. By giving staff plenty of notice of the inspection date, it gives them time to flag any equipment issues and check they’re happy and prepared.

LOLER Inspection

4. Check your paperwork is in order

As part of your LOLER examination, you’ll be required to provide documentation relating to each item of lifting equipment. In advance, ensure that your equipment register is up to date and easy to access, and track down any missing information required. Risk assessments, procedures and lift plans should also be made available to the inspector if requested.

Read more about the documentation and record-keeping required for LOLER here >

LOLER Examination

5. Ensure staff training is up to date

As well as the condition of the equipment itself, the LOLER testing process may need to check that anyone operating your lifting equipment is suitably trained and following all necessary safety precautions. In advance of your LOLER examination, ensure that all staff are up to date with their training and that this is clearly documented.

LOLER Examination

6. Identify all equipment requiring inspection

If an item of equipment is not presented for inspection, you risk a potentially faulty or dangerous piece of equipment remaining in use, which brings significant risk to the welfare of your staff and legal risks to your business. You should therefore take time to identify not only your equipment requiring routine testing but also equipment which has been repaired or reinstalled and requires a retest.

Check what equipment needs testing and how often here >

LOLER Examination

7. Prepare your equipment for LOLER testing

If you know any of your equipment requires attention, make arrangements to get it fixed before the examination, otherwise you’ll need to pay again for a new examination when it inevitably fails. In advance of your LOLER inspection, carry out any preventative maintenance, apply lubrication, and clean the equipment to make it easier for the tester to examine.

LOLER Examination

8. Ensure all lifting equipment has the correct marking

Your LOLER examiner will be checking that all lifting equipment is clearly marked with the right information. This will include safety signage, details of safe working loads (SWL), and clearly displayed information on which lifting accessories are to be used with which equipment. As well as checking that all markings are correct, ensure any labels and signage are clean and visible, and that none of the information has faded or worn off.

LOLER Examination

9. Make your equipment accessible and available for examination

If it is usually spread out across your site, move your lifting equipment and accessories to one inspection location if possible, for easy identification and access. Ensure equipment operators know the equipment will be temporarily unavailable while undergoing testing, and think about how you will plan around this. Sometimes testing can be carried out on weekends, but check this in advance, as this will not always be possible.

LOLER Examination

10. Assign someone to liaise with the examiner

Making the examiner’s life easy is a good way you can help ensure a smooth LOLER inspection process. If the tester doesn’t have easy access to ask questions and request further information, it can slow the inspection down significantly and you may miss your opportunity to provide the correct information, resulting in equipment not being certified. Make sure the inspector knows who to approach with any questions, and ensure someone is available throughout the examination.

Find out what your LOLER inspector will be looking for >