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What is a LOLER thorough examination?

A Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) thorough examination is a requirement for all lifting equipment. If your workplace uses lifting equipment, it is your responsibility to ensure that it is examined regularly in line with the regulations, and that you are maintaining and operating it safely.

Find out how LOLER applies to you here >

What are LOLER inspectors looking for?

All of our LOLER inspectors work to the same checklist, to ensure consistency and compliance to a common standard. As well as checking the performance of the equipment itself, LOLER also examines the operating protocols for the lifting equipment as well as inspecting the surrounding areas.

Learn more about what to expect from your LOLER examination >

The following key areas will be covered by your LOLER examination. This overview is not comprehensive, but outlines the type of considerations which will be made in each area of the LOLER checklist.

LOLER Checklist

+ Use of equipment
This covers how, when and where your lifting equipment is used, and the safe working load (SWL) of the equipment.

+ Suitability of equipment
Your equipment must be suitable for its intended purpose. LOLER considers the materials it’s made of, ergonomic considerations, and whether it’s undergone a PUWER risk assessment.

+ Positioning and installing
This section of the inspection looks at whether your equipment is positioned safely to avoid risks of injury or collision, the proximity of hazards, and any exclusion zones in place.

+ Strength and stability
The SWL of your lifting equipment will be considered here, and whether it is capable of lifting this weight, and any environmental factors which might affect this.

+ Organisation of lifting operations
This part of the LOLER checklist considers the safety of your lifting operations, and looks at the lift plans and processes you have in place to ensure your lifting operations are safe and well-organised.

+ Marking lifting equipment
It’s important for your lifting equipment to be clearly marked with information such as the SWL, which equipment accessories can be used with, and any necessary safety messaging.

+ Equipment for lifting people
This area of your LOLER inspection will check that equipment used for lifting people is clearly marked with maximum capacity, and will assess the safety precautions in place, such as gates and barriers, harnesses and the ability to communicate with the operator.

+ Attaching, detaching, and securing loads
Factors considered here include whether your lifting accessories are compatible with the intended load, the procedures in place for attaching, detaching and securing loads, and any implications on the centre of gravity when lifting loads.

+ Suspended loads
Considerations for determining the safety of suspended loads include exclusion zones, reducing risk to people, and preventing suspended loads from swaying excessively during operations.

+ Storage
Your LOLER inspection will consider the safe storage of lifting equipment and whether the storage environment will lead to deterioration of the equipment over time.